Getting Started As A Postpartum Doula: A Webinar Recording

Getting Started As A Postpartum Doula: A Webinar Recording


The world of motherhood is aching for deeper care postpartum, and you only really need to be a woman to fill that need! We need more women doing this sacred work, and filling the hole in our healthcare. If you feel a draw to caring for woman after birth in some capacity, this class is for you. In this class you will learn: 

  • the three main jobs of a postpartum doula

  • a day in the life of what I do: what this work practically looks like

  • the difference between the feminine and masculine approach to this work

  • why motive matters and finding your niche

  • ascertaining wether or not this is the right line of work for you

  • work/life balance

  • what to charge and sustainable income

  • certification and educational resources/where to get started

It is my hope that by sharing my own experience of working with mothers, and running my business that I can empower and inspire more women to take up the torch of this incredibly life changing work! Join us! 

*this is a recording of a live webinar. When you purchase you will be sent an email confirming your purchase, and shortly after an email with the downloadable video.

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